The San Mateo County Domestic Violence Council (DVC)
Domestic Violence impacts an estimated 10,000 people in San Mateo County each year. The County of San Mateo is committed to ending domestic violence and supports a county-based Domestic Violence Council that works to reduce and prevent domestic violence and enhance victims’ services. Within the DVC are two sub-committees: Domestic Violence Awareness Committee and the Legal Process Committee.
The Domestic Violence Awareness Committee (DVAC)
Focuses on issues related to domestic violence awareness and outreach, aligned with the Domestic Violence Council’s vision. The DVAC does this by facilitating the coordination of participating agencies to meet the needs of all families affected by domestic violence and by developing awareness of issues related to domestic violence through outreach, prevention, and early intervention activities.
The Legal Process Committee (LPC)
The Legal Process Committee consists of representatives from domestic violence legal advocacy community, district attorney, probation, law enforcement and the court and meet quarterly. The LPC regularly shares information relating to domestic violence and legal procedures in court and helping agencies understand and become aware of new laws and/or procedures.
The DV Council membership shall be composed of categorical and appointed members. Categorical members are those individuals who serve by virtue of their public or other specifically designated office, and their terms shall be for the terms of their office.
Categorical Membership:
A member of the Board of Supervisors; the County Manager or his/her representative, the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court or his/her representative; the Sheriff or his/her representative; the District Attorney or his/her representative; the Coroner or his/her representative; the County Superintendent of Schools or his/her representative; the Chief Probation Officer or his/her representative; the Director of the Health System or his/her representative; the Director of Human Services or his/her representative; the Director of the San Mateo Medical Center or his/her representative.
Appointed Membership (by the Board of Supervisors):
Appointed members shall include a representative of the Council of Cities; a representative of the Commission on the Status of Women; a representative of the Police Chiefs’ Association; two individuals representing non-profit agencies servicing battered women; one individual representing agencies or individuals who provide treatment services to batterers; one individual representing each of the two non-profit agencies providing legal services to battered women; and four individuals representing the community at large.
Member | Title | Type | Term | Representing |
Supervisor Noelia Corzo | Chair | Categorical | Board of Supervisors | |
Elisa Kuhl | Vice Chair | Categorical | District Attorney's Office, Division of Victim Services | |
Michael Callagy | Member | Categorical | County Manager | |
Sarah Burdick | Member | Categorical | Superior Court | |
Noelle Bruton | Member | Categorical | Health System | |
Sheriff Christina Corpus | Member | Categorical | Sheriff's Office | |
Robert Foucrault | Member | Categorical | Coroner's Office | |
Kris Shouse | Member | Categorical | SMC Office of Education | |
Juan Sablan | Member | Categorical | Probation | |
Robert Spencer | Member | Categorical | San Mateo Medical Center | |
Claire Cunningham | Member | Categorical | Human Services Agency | |
Rose Mukhar | Member | Appointed | Non-profit serving DV survivors, Justice At Last | |
Karen Ferguson | Member | Appointed | Non-profit, CORA | |
Chief Cory Call | Member | Appointed | Police Chief's Association | |
Keri Kirby | Member | Appointed | 1/1/23-12/31/25 | Agency serving batterers, Sitike Counseling Center |
Trish Erwin | Member | Appointed | Commission on the Status of Women | |
Ruben Abrica | Member | Appointed | 1/1/21-12/31/26 | Council of Cities |
Juslyn Manalo | Alternate | Appointed | 1/1/24-12/31/26 | Council of Cities |
Nicole Reyes | Member | Appointed | 1/1/22-12/31/25 | Bay Area Legal Aid |
Stephanie Bilinski | Member | Appointed | 1/1/24-12/31/27 | Legal Aid Society of SMC |
Lisa Maguire | Member | Appointed | SMC Bar Assoc & Private Defender Program | |
Kathryn Anderson | Member | Appointed | 1/1/23-12/31/25 | At-Large |
Cynthia Hunter | Member | Appointed | 7/23/19-12/31/25 | At-Large |
Lori Smiley-Klingler | Member | Appointed | 1/1/23-12/31/25 | At-Large |
Sean Frost | Member | Appointed | 1/1/23-12/31/25 | At-Large |